Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Holding on.

Nathan is holding his own. Not getting worse but not improving. I have mixed emotions but thought I would update here for those who follow and care. 


  1. I am so sorry Nathan has not yet fully recovered. sending along my prayers and love.

  2. I am so sorry that Nathan has not fully recovered. Sending along my prayers and love.

  3. Oh so sorry to hear this news. Saying a prayer for him now!

  4. Praying for you and your sweet Nathan. I'm sorry that he hasn't improved. You are being covered in prayer. (((hugs))

  5. What was his diagnosis Em? Is he still at home? I'm so sorry :(

    1. Yes he is still at home. It's a viral infection but we don't know what kind of virus.

  6. I am reading and thinking about how very hard it is to go through an illness at the exact age as Eva. He looks cute and robust in the picture you posted. Hold onto what is going well. He has not gotten worse. In a child, that is often how they get better, first they stop getting worse. Hoping for the best for Nathan!

    1. Thank you mrsH. There's a lot I know in my head about children getting well but in the world I now live in I know of far too many children who have died and I know that losing one doesn't exclude the loss of any other and doesn't confer immunity on my rainbow. Although I wish it did. I am thankful he isn't getting worse and I do hope he turns a corner soon,

  7. Em, you both have been in my thoughts. I hope that this respiratory issue starts to improve soon, but I am glad to hear that he is not getting any worse.

    1. I am also thankful he is not getting worse.

  8. He is still at home. It's a viral infection but we don't know what as all his swabs have come back negative. This makes me nervous.
