Monday, October 7, 2013

Vincent is SIX!

My sweet super creative son is SIX!

He is the boy I am often fearful for. He is such a daredevil. SO thoughtfully creative but rarely thoughtful about safety.

I love you so much Vincent and cherish every moment I get to hold you tight here on earth.

Happy 6th Birthday my son!

Vincent enjoying time with his littlest bro!

Proud to be 'driving' at Sunnybrae!

Getting ready for Eva's Ride!

Asleep during evening chapel at Sunnybrae.

And, a classic Vincent...scooting in front of the camera when I'm trying to take a picture of someone else. Love that smile though and Theodore looks pretty happy anyway!


  1. Happy Birthday Vincent! You are a very handsome lovable looking boy :)

  2. Your kids are so tan! Are you sure you live in Canada? Happy birthday Vincent!

    1. The key to tan is, drum roll please, they actually play outside. As in, in the woods, on the tramp, on the soccer field. None of this is virtual. It's all in real time on real grass and with real sunshine. Although I am aware of skin cancer potential and I do put sunscreen on them. Just, well, maybe, not enough.

  3. straight to my mother's heart! Ilove em...but I'm biased. Thanks!
