Tuesday, November 8, 2011

the end

So losing Eva is the beginning of my blogging journey...wonder where this will go...I always wanted to try it but figured nobody would really be interested in my life and what would I have to say anyway...now people may still not be interested but here we go in trying to maintain my sanity in a world gone askew.  I miss posting about Eva on carepages but now there are no more prayer requests and no more hope in so many ways.  I'm not sure where this blog will lead...maybe it will lead me Home.


  1. Anella- I am so sorry that eva died... I would love to know her story. It is tragic and sad to be in this world without our children. But our other children will give us love and joy and hope. I am grateful for that. I just miss my daughter with every breath. The way I'm sure you do of eva. Sending you so much love.

  2. Thank you for this blog Anella. You have a way with words that helps me process my own grief. I have a hard time figuring out what's going on inside my heart and when I read what you write, a veil is lifted and I can say, that's it, that's what i'm feeling. So thank you Anella for being raw and open and vulnerable. -Renee
